Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Helping Hands...

It's been 6 months since Thomas was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers Syndrome. So many times I've wanted to say how I feel, what I feel, but there is no one to tell.... Tonight is our first Autism Support Group. I feel like this is a very important thing because the families of children and adults with Autism need someone to talk to.

When all of this first started we had a lot of support, a lot of friends that were willing to do anything they could to lend a helping hand. Now, it's not that our friends have disappeared so much as that we don't hear from them as much. We don't get phone calls checking on Thomas or us, we don't really get asked how things are going. I can hold my head up, but that only works for so long before I nearly drown... Sometimes we just need a helping hand.

We did an article in our local newspaper. The point of the article was to help people better understand Autism and what our life is like living with Thomas. We don't want pity, we simply wanted some help. When someone sees us in public and he's throwing a fit, not to give us the look. You know, the look like "Oh no, that poor child must not have gotten his way when he wanted something...." no that's not it at all. As much as I would like to think I could do this by myself, I can't. I also never heard from my other family members after doing that article.... funny how some people we are around just can't get with it.

I have a great mom who helps a lot. If it wasn't for her being so close by I wouldn't be able to do anything. Thomas would be forced to do many things that he either didn't want to do or simply can't do. Often he just doesn't "feel" like going with me to get my oldest son from school. His twin sister will ride with me and one of conversations in the car a few weeks ago went like this: Me "You and Thomas will be here next year" Her: "I know!" Me: "Do you think Thomas will be ok?" Her: "Yes I think so" Me: "You take care of Thomas don't you?" Her: "Yes" Me: "Do you think one day you will stop taking care of Thomas?"  Her: "Maybe......one day"

She is my little set of helping hands quite often at 4 1/2 years old. She helps me more than anyone else ever does and she really shouldn't have to. It's very difficult here sometimes and often some days I'm not sure how I will make it to then end of the day. It's hard for a 9 year old and a 4 year old to understand what is going on. If they had a set of helping hands as well then they might could make it through a little easier too.

1 comment:

Bluedenim Ink said...

Heather, do you have a link to the newspaper article?