Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lifes Not Always Perfect

It's been a few days, well several days since I've written anything. My mother and I took the twins to the beach. My husband and oldest son stayed here because they both had commitments that they had to keep. I really needed a break, prior to leaving my feelings had been incredibly hurt by several people and I could really feel myself losing control. Not the kind of control where you have to "be in control" but just control in general. The insurance company had gotten me, someone I thought was a friend (maybe not a close friend) had hurt me and my husband. There were probably others in a 2 week time period but that's not here or there.

So a vacation was in order and it was amazing. Thomas did very well considering we were in a new place, new people, new things. He had been to this beach house before but he was out of his normal routine and his things. He got up early every morning and at least two times a day had a severe meltdown. Sometimes it was much more...but I take what I can get so that we can survive. One day down there it rained and not just a sprinkle it down poured. We decided to take them to the aquarium and of course there was about a million other people there who had the same bright idea that we did. I could tell that this made him extremely nervous to be confined inside with such an enormous amount of people. He stayed close to either his sister or one of us. He often got very upset because someone would be in his way or he couldn't get to the glass to see. He never quite understood why people wouldn't move along after a few minutes of looking and give someone else a chance. All in all he did well there until it was time to walk to the car, walking is not his strong suit and it often results in someone carrying him. I typically carry him but can't do this much anymore. I am considering getting a stroller for him to save both of us, physically and mentally.

Since being home things have pretty much gone back to the way that they always are. Thomas is back in his routine. He wakes up about the same time every morning. He wants breakfast not long after waking up, he doesn't want his siblings to bother him, only when he approaches them. He has a need to be in control and he wants to know where we are going and what we are doing so that he can plan this out in his mind. He has to know who is going to be somewhere, if it will be a lot of people, etc. He wants to know if it will be loud or what we will do and what time we will leave. One new question now for him is what time is it? He is infatuated with these questions and you have to answer him. His twin sister is at the age of a little bit of antagonizing him. She can be quite the Diva sometimes.

Life is not always fair or perfect and if you have a child with Autism then every single day is not perfect. It's just that every single day can be a good day or a bad day. That's what they are.... you have good moments and bad moments. You have milestones that you meet and breakthroughs that you accomplish. You have victories and for us these are things that are perfect! This makes life perfect!

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