Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Day 2.....and I find out today that some people have nothing better to do than to just talk, talk, talk. It might not bother me so badly if they actually knew what they were talking about. Ahhh, but this particular person did not know one thing. So here's the thing, I'm having trouble walking and my right leg drags a little because to me it feels heavy. This girl saw me out the other day and instead of asking me what was wrong or what was going on, she just jumped to her on conclusions. Well it might not be so bad but her mother in law and my mother are fairly good, close friends. So over the weekend this girl goes to her mother in law and tells her that I have Crohns. Ummm, where did she get that from?? No one ever told this girl that I have Crohns! Much less would you gather from my legs that I have Crohns. She never said anything to me or ask me anything. She just jumped to a conclusion on her own then decided to spread the word!

So of course mom was contacted and my point is if you are concerned then how about speak to me and if you just want to gossip then at least have your facts straight first before you start running off at the mouth!

Anyway on another note, this week it's off to the Rheumatologist to let him know what is going on. Won't he be surprised. I guess all he was thinking was that I might go to the Neuro in Greenville and maybe come out with another "I don't know" or perhaps some new info, but here we go off to Duke. He may not be as surprised as I think though. He's a good Dr and a good Christian and that's why we like him so much!

My mom took my kids for a little while. I'm going to rest. The rest of the week has some big plans, a friend I haven't seen in a very long time is coming to visit.

Always remember that you never know what someone else is going through, never assume, always pray and lend a helping hand!

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