Thursday, August 13, 2009

Moving on

And so the verdict yesterday from the specialist was that I do NOT have MS! Praise God!! This is great news for all of us. This has lifted a huge weight from my shoulders, now if the same weight would lift from my leg.....

My husband and I talked the whole way home about many things. I think we both had set ourselves up for this to be the answer because not one but two doctors had told me this! That's pretty amazing right? In fact when the specialist yesterday opened the chart he said that the doctors who had sent me did so because they said I have MS and wanted another opinion. I guess we walk a fine line.

The one thing that we kept discussing (my friends reading this will remember) is what about a medicine I took back in 03-04. LUPRON. Anyone who knows me will know that this drug sent everything into a spin. I was in the bed, shaking, sick, couldn't walk, couldn't function, could barely open my eyes. We were back and forth to the hospital numerous times and it was so bad at one point in 04 that they gave me an extra dose!! My mom thought I was going to die and I think my husband did too. I was on Morphine and pretty unaware of anything going on. I did finally start to get better, but had to use walking aids to get around. (Note: I may have some of this mixed up, I don't remember a lot of it) My oldest son was then about 2 1/2 or so. Finally after about 6-9 months of a time period I got to where I could walk on my own and after seeing Dr's who kept saying I was just fat and depressed..... I lost about 110lbs. In 2005 I became pregnant with the twins and in 2006 they were born 5 weeks early because my liver failed.

So what is Lupron you might be asking? Well I took it for Endometriosis, but it's a cancer drug. It's mostly given to men for Prostate cancer. My grandfather took it. We aren't 100% certain, but he possibly could have suffered some of the same ill side effects that I have now. He passed away last year from congestive heart failure and dementia. I wish I could have known if he truly did suffer from the Lupron. I do know though that there are thousands and thousands of people across the United States that have suffered from it. A few of them have died from taking it, some have had strokes, others are just like myself.

Why didn't I mention this before? Well there are two reasons. One is because early on we saw doctors and when we did mention it they seemed to shut down and didn't want to treat me once we mentioned the Lupron. My mom quickly determined that they thought we were seeking a lawsuit and wanted their help. No doctor anywhere is going to get involved in that. The second reason is because in the last year or so is when I began to be told that they thought I had MS. I didn't want to mention the Lupron then and throw another loop into the mix and I didn't want to scare off anymore doctors that were already beginning to help. Do you see what a mess this is?

I took the Lupron because the Endometriosis was so bad and because after my first son I desperately wanted more children. They told me we would never have anymore. I was determined, as I often am. As you already know, I have twins too!

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