Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year...New Trials...

What made me think that a new year would mean that anything would be any different? I suppose I thought that starting off 2011 would mean a fresh start for our household. Perhaps we would put 2010 behind us and get a new perspective. Wrong!!!!

Just before the New Year Thomas had his first Dr's appointment with his new family doctor. We discussed his Aspergers, Asthma and Respiratory condition. All of which she seemed very comfortable with and with treating. We scheduled an appointment for this month to get his hearing rechecked to make sure that he doesn't have any hearing loss. I know there is a possibility that he does and I'm prepared to deal with that. If that's one thing we are looking at then it is probably minor and he can certainly live with it. I just hate to keep adding to the mounds of issues that seem to pile up for this (almost) 5 year old child.

Then as she was doing his physical exam she noticed the mole that has always been on his right ring finger. She asked about it and I explained that it's been there since birth. She asked me about the size and shape as well as the color. I told her that I hadn't really taken much notice because like I said it was part of him and something that had just always been there. She suggested that we go to Duke to see a Pediatric Dermatologist to check out the mole. The mole is rather dark and asymmetrical. It has also gotten much larger, the edges are jagged. She said to me that there is the possibility of it later turning into Melanoma and should be taken care of immediately. I'm not sure I really had a response for her other than "OK".  The first available appointment at Duke is in April.  We've had one cancer scare already in the last several months and I'm not prepared to have one with my 5 year old.  I'm not sure how to take it that he could possibly have something like this on his hand so I'm trying to just not think about it. However....as any parent would know that's nearly next to impossible to do.

So this is how the New Year has started here and I'm just trying to remember that everything happens for a reason. I'm not meant to know what the reason is, but to just follow the plan

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